Arrangements for Return to School Monday 8th March

I hope that this information finds you and your family well and that the past few weeks of Lockdown 3.0 have not been too arduous. We have been impressed with the way that the children have accessed the online learning, and with the fantastic support that we have had from parents with this -thank you!

Our priority now is to get the children back into school safely and happily; there is no doubt that the staff at St John’s are extremely excited about the return to school!

Following the Prime Minister’s announcement, and having examined the up to date advice from the DfE, we have reviewed our systems of control and can confirm that school will be open to all pupils from Monday 8th March.

 A copy of the specific plans, which have been reviewed in the light of the new guidance, is linked below.

Many of our processes will be the same as they were before Christmas, as they were robust and worked well.

In summary:

  • Arrangements for dropping off and collecting children remain the same

  • Pupils can come to school on ‘PE days’ in their PE kits (PE Days are listed below)

  • Pupils’ belongings can be transported to and from school in their school bag

  • A full hot meal service will be available

  • Further details are available in the Return to School procedures document

We ask parents and children to continue to observe social distancing advice, and request that adults who are dropping off or collecting children wear a face covering, as sometimes social distancing is not possible.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact the school office.

I am looking forward to welcoming our full school community back. By adhering to infection control measures and the continued roll out of the vaccination programme, I feel hopeful that the future is bright and we will enjoy the remainder of the Spring term together!

Miss Samantha Price


PE Days

Children are asked to come into school wearing their PE kits on their PE day which are listed below.

6WF | Monday and Wednesday
6JC | Monday and Wednesday
6JB | Tuesday and Thursday
5DB | Monday and Friday
5RB | Monday and Friday
5GG | Tuesday and Thursday
4SH | Wednesday and Thursday
4ST | Tuesday and Thursday
4RH | Wednesday and Friday
3HH | Monday and Friday
3SA | Tuesday and Wednesday
3LB | Monday and Thursday
2AM | Monday and Thursday
2BL | Tuesday and Wednesday
1CE | Tuesday and Thursday
1SL | Tuesday and Wednesday
REC | Tuesday
RKB | Wednesday
RAA | Thursday

Home Learning Access

Access to the Home Learning resources hasn’t changed much since the previous lockdown back in March or if your child’s class was in isolation.

Reception - Year 2 | Online Resources

The online area for these year groups can be found at the top of this web page. Click on the Home Learning Link Your child’s teachers will be posting work daily to these areas. If you would like to submit work or contact a member of staff in these year groups please email either:

Reception Classes |
Year 1 |
Year 2 |

Years 3 - 6 | Google Classroom

These year groups will be utilising Google Classroom and all pupils have previously have been using these technologies within school when using the Chromebooks. If you child is struggling with their login details more information can be found on the Coronavirus page on this website. Even more details of working within Google Classroom can be found here and we will populate this online area with more helpful guides as and when required.

If parents need any technical help in terms of how to use the above online resources please contact us using the email account and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Thank you for your support and stay safe!

Santa Visit's St John's

Early Years had a visit from a very important person today - Santa Claus!

The Academy are very grateful to Wednesfield Rotary Club who made the magic happen. Click on the images below for a larger view of the photo’s.

Announcement In Response To DFE News About Schools Early Closure Before Christmas

St John’s plans to remain open on Friday 18th December.

This token gesture from the DFE, giving permission for schools to choose to have an Inset Day on the last Friday before Christmas, is such short notice it will only serve to create problems for parents regarding child-care, which we feel is unhelpful at any time, but particularly at the moment.

Notice of Cancellation for Extra Curricular Clubs

As you are all aware, Nationally we are entering a second lockdown as of Thursday 5th November.

Unfortunately, this does mean that from Monday 9th November, we have to cancel our extra - curricular clubs that take place after school.

We are disappointed to make this decision, as we know the children enjoy taking part in these clubs. We hope it will be a short-term measure, and that we can resume clubs as soon as possible.

We will of course inform you when we have any further update and apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

Mrs Griffiths and Mrs Cotterill

School Lunches Announcement W/C 2nd November 2020

Due to circumstances beyond our control, we will be unable to offer a hot meal service from Monday to Thursday next week.

A 'Grab Bag' service with a choice of sandwich fillings will be available free to all pupils who are entitled to free school meals; other pupils can also order a grab bag at a cost of £2.00 per day. Parents can make their payment using SIMS Pay.

Alternatively your child can bring their own packed lunch to school.

We are hopeful that normal service can resume on Friday 6th November, and will keep you informed.

Arrangements for the New School Year | September 2020

Details of the arrangements that will be in place for the full opening in September are now available.

These arrangements include changes to our start, end of day times and procedures. We would be very grateful if parents could read the information carefully.

Both the summary and full Risk Assesments can be accessed by using the links below and if you have any questions please email the school at