Stimulus Shock #2 | Free Miss Heyes

The second of our stimulus shocks which is arranged to inspire the young minds of our pupils took place on Tuesday 28th February.

After the shock of the event they go back into their classrooms and write about what was involved. We've found that this really does encourage the pupils to use their imagination and find that their creativity runs wild.

This Stimulus Shock involved fake smoke coming from the gym store cupboard and the fire service confirmed it had been started deliberately. This led on to the West Midlands Fire Dog Kai and his handler Mat Clarke sweeping the room to find the accused. Kai found his way to Miss Heyes, who was arrested (not really) and taken away from the school. Of course this was not real and staged, but got the minds of our children thinking, which inspired some fantastic writing from all.

We'd like to say a big thanks to Mrs Cotterill for coordinating the event as well as the representatives from West Midlands Police, West Midlands Fire Service and West Midlands Fire Dogs. #notjustfires

Our first stimulus shock can be viewed on our YouTube channel.  Keep up to date with the posts on YouTube by subscribing to our channel.